
        Preparation and cooking instructions:

Part 1

  1. Dice Onion and fry for 2 minutes 
  2. Add Curry powder to mix (I use a 50:50 basic Madras with a Balti special)
  3. You could try it with Vindaloo powder - but that will blow your head off!
  4. Add Onion bits and a bucket load of frozen peas to poaching Haddock
  5. Stir constantly for as long as the rice is cooking

Part 2

  1. Melt butter in saucepan ( I use a WOK)
  2. Add half a pint of Milk to butter in said WOK
  3. Add seasoning (salt and pepper) plus a few 'erbs'
  4. Add chunks of Haddock ( Make sure it hasn't got the skin attached)
  5. Poach Haddock in Milk for about 5 minutes (low gas hob)

Part 3

  1. Slip Rice into Microwave for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  2. Remove and wash rice for 20 seconds, sieve and add to the fish mix.
  3. Serve with a previously prepared Boiled egg (Cut into quarters) and half a Lemon
  4. Serve second portion to cat, alternatively, hide from cat and fry up for breakfast

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